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Eventi in programma

  • First, Rule Out Medical
    First, Rule Out Medical
    dom 28 lug
    28 lug 2024, 08:00 – 10:00 GMT-7
    28 lug 2024, 08:00 – 10:00 GMT-7
    Join us to learn about what signs and symptoms to look for in your clients that might indicate a need for medical or dental treatment, how to work with families to communicate with practitioners, and how to support clients in getting medical support.
  • Essential for Living Q and A Session
    Essential for Living Q and A Session
    Date multiple
    mar 30 lug
    30 lug 2024, 12:00 – 13:00
    30 lug 2024, 12:00 – 13:00
    An opportunity to talk with Patrick McGreevy about teaching life skills and Essential for Living
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